Kaya bendradarbiauja su firma pureblackGothicLabo,kuri gamina papuošalus . Kaya'i pagamintas gotikinis žiedas . Jis vadinasi Gothic Jewel Ring ir jo kaina 4200 jenų arba 105 litai. Deja,šis žiedas parduodamas tik Kaya turo Gothic elements finaliniame koncerte 2/23 Shinjuku Blaze.
Kaya collaborated with pureblackGothicLabo which makes different gothic jewellery . You can buy this ring named Gothic Jewel Ring at price of 4200 yen(42 dollars or 105 Litas) . But it's only sold at Kaya tour Gothic elements final 2/23 at Shinjuku Blaze .
Kaya collaborated with pureblackGothicLabo which makes different gothic jewellery . You can buy this ring named Gothic Jewel Ring at price of 4200 yen(42 dollars or 105 Litas) . But it's only sold at Kaya tour Gothic elements final 2/23 at Shinjuku Blaze .