Monday, 24 November 2014

Kaya tweets

Today's the rehearsal of Femme Fatale!I'm happy because recording and working on design is continuing consecutively. ○(≧▽≦)○

The end of rehearsalBecause I love the sound that members make, my ear were happy for 4 hours (*´ω`*)
Although I went to sleep early because there are plans in the morning,I woke up because I couldn't sleep. I'm going to make tea and listen to ARCANA.

Monday, 17 November 2014

Kaya tweets

Good morning. Let's have wonderful day☆
Tarrot cards included in album are so wonderful... If you look again at it,you will be charmed ☆ laughs Please look forward…!
In Disney store now. Stuffed animal of snowman。。(ME: Olaf?) I want to buy white wig to put on him...
Disney store is full of kawainess (*´∀`*) I can be healed 。。 I want to go to Arandelle....

Schwarz Stein photo from ZEAL LINK Shibuya in-store event !

Friday, 14 November 2014

Information about Kaya and Femme Fatale calendar

Femme Fatale 2015 calendar has been decided!!!

・16 pages in full colour
・A4 booklet type wall hanging type (when applied to the wall will turn into A3 size)
Selling in official shop and lives(hasn't been decided)

And what about Kaya calendar?

It won't be selling like in previous years, it will be a present for those,who will attend "Christmas dinner show 2014"

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Kaya twitter photo

Kaya tweets


H: Lyrics are done!For 2nd time。。
K: Let's do our best★ If you will calm down let's go out for drink!
H: Y-es(^_−)−☆ Please let me to listen to album when it's finished〜!
K: Sure! I'm looking forward to Jupiter's too(*´∀`*)


Toshi : I'm feeling...
Kaya : What !?Σ(゚Д゚)

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Kaya tweet

Suddenly!Replacer festivalヽ(´ー`)ノ If you have any questions,please contact usヽ(´ー`)ノ

Kaya tweet

Kyara Fes 9 in Takamatsu ended successfully!Thank you very much,everyone!!○(≧▽≦)○ Kaya version of Gekitei. I also sang these songs : Taiyō ga mata kagayaku toki, Moonlight densetsu,Chocolate,Transmigration,Last dance wa watashi ni 〜( ´艸`)

Kaya tweet

I'm eating udon as came to this prefecture! That's why lunch is udon!It turned into Kaya's udon!laughs Thank you ,it was delicous(*´∀`*) 

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Kaya ameba blog entry [2014-11-09]

Diary of 7th and 8th

Good evening. It's Kaya. 

Femme Fatale will release first album ARCANA

 Regular edition: 

・22 songs CD
・Random tarrot card of one of members
・Price : 3000 yen + tax
Limited edition :

・Luxury BOX (B5 size)
・Album ARCANA ※(tarrot card also random)
・Tarrot card case
・Original bracelet
・Photobook(28P〜32P in full color )
※As it's limited edition,please be sure to get it as soon as possible。
(there won't be more copies。)
・Price 8,000 yen+tax

Sunday, 30 March 2014

First look of Femme Fatale and information!

Vocal : Kaya


Guitar: Minamoto iori

Bass : Toshi(a(ace)) (Still don't know if he will stay official member or support. For now only support member)

Drums :Chargeeeeee…

They will release first single FREYA on the 28th of May in 2 editions : one with photobook other one with sleeve cover.

Their first live will be on 05/02 called Femme Fatale 1st ONE-MAN『the Fatal Day』

Friday, 7 March 2014

Pre-order the new single GEBET of Schwarz Stein on Hora website!

Good news for those who want to purchase the new single GEBET of Schwarz Stein . You can buy it here :  Look up in the left side of website :)

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Important news from Kaya!!!

Kaya has a new project-band Femme Fatale !! Here it's schedule:

May 28, 2014, First Single Release 「Femme Fatale」!!!!!
May 02, 2014, OneMan in Shibuya REX.
May 13, 2014, ThreeMan with HOLLOWGRAM/Sel’m in Shinjuku LOFT.
May 25, 2014, TwoMan with WING WORKS in Shibuya REX.
Juny, 2014, Tour with Amber Gris/WING WORKS/GRIEVA.

Also Kaya's band Schwarz Stein will return with a New Single titled 「GEBET」.

01 Lapis Lazuli
02 Rise to Heaven (Ver. 2014)


Kaya New DVD Release!!!
Confirmed at 「GOTHIC ELEMENTS」 Final Tour in Shinjuku Blaze,
It will contain the final concert of 「GOTHIC ELEMENTS」 Tour.
Cost: ¥ 5,400.
Details will be released soon.

All info is from here :

What do you think about Kaya's new plans? Busy,isn't it :)?

(Photo is from chimamirenobara tumblr. Thank you for sharing it,dear ^^)

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Kaya Gothic elements tour goods

[After live goods] Special goods of dancers

【GOTHIC goods】


Gothic Jewel Ring

GOTHIC photo and bookmark sets

Gothic Elements tour pamphlet

Cheki case,tote bag

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Kaya twitter photos

Kaya twitter photo

Kaya twitter messages

Happy Valentine's day★(*´ω`*)

The handmade chocolate from mother has arrived Σ(・∀・;) Though it is slightly hard for a chocolate,it suits very well with coffee(*´ω`*) (laughs) . It looks like a snow ☆

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Kaya twitter messages

Kaya :

EN: Good morning . Congratulations to everyone,who has birthday today. Happy birthday♪ And somehow I want also congratulate those,whose birthday isn't today(*´∀`*) A very merry Unbirthday to you♪←ALICE♥

LT: Labas rytas. Sveikinu visus,kieno gimtadienis šiandien. Ir kažkaip noriu pasveikinti ir tuos,kurie nešvenčia šiandien gimtadienio (*´∀`*) Laimingo negimtadienio nuo ALICE♥


EN : Wa,everyone responded to Alice song♥ I'm happy(*´∀`*) The Kaya's loved scene♥ A very merry Unbirthday to you~♪♪♪

LT: Va,visi atsiliepėte į Alisos dainą♥Džiaugiuosi(*´∀`*) Kaya mėgiamiausia scena♥ Laimingo negimtadienio~♪♪♪

Monday, 10 February 2014

Kaya twitter messages

EN: The end of rehearsal☆ The rehearsal of these members were more swing than 5 years ago,but it feels like I entered into last week. (´(ェ)`)♪ The feeling of family(laughs)? It was really funny rehearsal(*´∀`*) Everyone by all means,please join after after party ☆☆☆


EN: It was the earthquake? Even in a car I understood the shaking(It stopped a little…!)

LT : Tai buvo žemės drebėjimas? Net ir mašinoje aš supratau,kad kratėsi(ji truputėlį sustojo) …!

Kaya twitter photos

EN: Secret snap of dancers(*´ω`*) Kaya's hand is being visible at the mirror…(laughs) (Can you see where I'm!?)

LT: Slapta šokėjų nuotrauka(*´ω`*) Kaya ranka matyti veidrodyje...(juokiasi) (Ar matote,kur esu!?)

So,can you spot where Kaya is ;D ? I can!

Kaya : 

EN: Does dancer's Yui doggy also participate in rehearsal!?Sasamaru-chan Uo・ェ・oU 

LT: Ar ir šokėjo Yui šuniukas irgi dalyvauja repeticijoje!?Sasamaru-chan Uo・ェ・oU

Kaya twitter messages

ENG: Please send questions here : 

Fan club contacts →
Staff account → @ TomokiDoicha

LT: Siųskite klausimus čia :

Fanų klubo kontaktai →
Kolektyvo profilis → @ TomokiDoicha

ENG: It seems that tickets for 3/15 event in e-plus is sold out ☆ There are some tickets left in BIG-ONE-san!Please fill ticket application as soon as possible 〜!ヽ(´ー`)ノ

LT: Atrodo,kad bilietai 3/15 renginiui e-plus svetainėje išpirkti☆ Liko nedaug bilietų BIG-ONE-san!Užpildykite bilietų formą kaip galima greičiau 〜!ヽ(´ー`)ノ

ENG: So,I'm going out again. It's going to be rehearsal with dancers this evening at the first time of this year !I'm so excited!((o(´∀`)o))ワクワク

LT: Vėl išeinu. Šiandien vakare bus repeticija su šokėjais pirmą kartą šiais metais!Labai jaudinuosi!((o(´∀`)o))ワクワク


EN: Ah,by the way,the photos that I have uploaded right now,are only taken from the curtain ( ´艸`)

LT: A,beje,tos nuotraukos,kurias neseniai įkėliau, buvo padarytos tik už užuolaidos ( ´艸`)

Kaya twitter messages

ENG : There are many people(most from oversea) that sends me baked chocalates or food Please refrain from the shipment of the food!Σ(´∀`;) It takes considerable much time until it arrives to me …(´・ω・`)

LT: Yra daugybę žmonių(daugiausia iš užsienio),kurie man siunčių keptą šokoladą ir kitą maistą . Prašau atsisakyti idėjos siųsti maistą!Σ(´∀`;) Kol jis mane pasiekia praeina labai daug laiko …(´・ω・`)

ENG : Ah. Soon it will be Valentine day,isn't it ヽ(´ー`)ノ I'm embarrassed because I have so many darlings〜!(laughs) Although I'm really glad to hear these words : "I'll send it to Kaya-san",but I would be happy if it would be only feeling because I'm on a diet…!(laughs) (Please come to 2/23 at that extent〜!laughs)

LT: Ah. Greitai ateis Valentino dienaヽ(´ー`)ノ Man nejauku,nes turiu daug brangiųjų〜!(juokiasi) Nors džiaugiuosi girdėdamas šiuos žodžius : ,,Aš nusiųsiu Kaya'ai-san(šokoladą),bet būčiau laimingas,jei šį kartą tai būtų jausmų išraiška,nes laikausi dietos…!(juokiasi) (Dideliais skaičiais ateikite į 2/23 koncertą〜!juokiasi)

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Kaya Lietuva dabar ir angliškai (Kaya Lithuania now is on english)

Kadangi Lietuvoje fanų yra mažoka ,nusprendžiau naujienas rašyti ir anglų kalba,kad visi pasaulio fanai galėtų suprasti,kas rašoma šiame puslapyje. ^^

As fans of Kaya in Lithuania aren't so many,I decided to post news on English as well!! Now all Kaya fans from the whole world can understand all posts ^^ I hope you will like it . 

Kaya Gothic ring for sale at venues

Kaya bendradarbiauja su firma pureblackGothicLabo,kuri gamina papuošalus . Kaya'i pagamintas gotikinis žiedas . Jis vadinasi Gothic Jewel Ring ir jo kaina 4200 jenų arba 105 litai. Deja,šis žiedas parduodamas tik Kaya turo Gothic elements finaliniame koncerte 2/23 Shinjuku Blaze.

Kaya collaborated with pureblackGothicLabo which makes different gothic jewellery . You can buy this ring named Gothic Jewel Ring at price of 4200 yen(42 dollars or 105 Litas) . But it's only sold at Kaya tour Gothic elements final 2/23 at Shinjuku Blaze .

Friday, 7 February 2014

Kaya dalyvaus V-ANIME collaboration -homme- albumo įrašyme

Kaya vėl dalyvaus visual kei atlikėjų albume,kuriame skambės anime dainos :

01 . Masaaki Endo [SPECIAL GUEST] × Sakito (NIGHTMARE)
"Yuushaoutanjou! " (Yuusha-ou gaogaigaa)
02. Kaya × Ryohei ( Megamasso )
  "Taiyo ga mata kagayaku toki " (kasoke ☆ Yū ☆ hakusho)
03 . Sakurai blue (cali ≠ gari) ×那Oki (THE BEETHOVEN)
" STAND UP TO THE VICTORY? To The Victory ? " ( Mobile Suit Gundam V )
04 . Subaru (Royz) × KazeWataru (DaizyStripper)
 " Sora
iro Days " ( Gurren Lagann )
05 . Tanimoto Takayoshi [SPECIAL GUEST] ×那Oki (THE BEETHOVEN)
" FLYING IN THE SKY " ( Mobile Fighter G Gundam )
06 . Leader (NoGoD) × MiA (MEJIBRAY)
 " Genesis of Aquarion " ( Aquarion )
07. HAKUEI (PENICILLIN) × KazeWataru (DaizyStripper)
" Pegasus Fantasy " ( Saint Seiya )
08 . Evening fog (DaizyStripper) × MiA (MEJIBRAY)
 " Rupansan-seinotema " ( Lupin III )
09. Yo-ka (DIAURA) × Ryohei ( Megamasso )
" Shangli-La " ( Fafner )
10 . Yurasha (THE KIDDIE) × KazeWataru (DaizyStripper)
" -I'll- " ( Urayasu rebar family )
. 11 RYO: SUKE (WING WORKS) × Ryohei ( Megamasso )
" I go back to the primitive mind " ( EVANGELION Death and Rebirth )

Salon de Kaya transliacija

Kaya vėl surengs transliaciją pavadinimu Salon de Kaya vasario 19 . Pradžia 15:00 (Lietuvos laiku)

Kaya bus kitoks nei koncertuose . Laukia paslaptingas pokalbių šou. Laukiame Jūsų žinučių paštu iki vasario 18-os 16:00(Lietuvos laiku - (Tekstas iš Kaya nico nico kanalo)

Kaya Lithuania!!!

Sveiki,veiklą pradeda lietuviška svetainė japoniško visual kei atlikėjo Kaya veiklai palaikyti!!!